Running and Life – Roland Preece

running and life

Age 57

How did you first get into running?

I used to love sport when I was young but then, at around the age of 8, I had loads of trouble with my knees and was told I shouldn’t do any impact sport. That really stopped me doing much.

I went from school and did civil engineering at college. My next step should have been university but after having got a summer job at Watsons garage, I was asked to stay on and 38 years later I’m still there! I didn’t do any sport for 30 years I was fixated with work and cars – dabbling in a bit of rallying.  Then I ended up having a spell in hospital in my late 40’s. I was over weight unfit and the Doctors told me that I needed to change my life style and get in shape. That was the big kick I needed.

I decided to give running a go. It seemed like the most obvious thing to do. It was hard and took me weeks and weeks but I eventually managed to run 5k.

Then I bought a bike and fell in love with cycling. I got obsessed with it. I was doing a couple of hundred miles a week. I would get home from work at around 6pm and go out for 30 or 40 miles and then go out and cycle 80 or 100 miles on Sunday. I was either working, cycling or asleep. I became a total health freak!

The cycling came to an end because my parents became unwell. I realised that being a couple of hours away on my bike probably wasn’t a good idea. That’s when I went back to running. Rather surprisingly I really enjoyed it. I was fit and the right weight so I didn’t find it too challenging. I ended up entering a few races and really enjoying them.

I’d heard of Hereford Couriers and Ludlow Runners because I had friends there. However, for some reason I joined Croft. Something just drew me to the club. I think it was in spring 2017 or 2018. I ran all of the summer league races and just loved it. It’s the best thing I’ve ever did. Clare and Thea and then Bron joined the following year.

Nowadays my preferred distances are 10k and half marathon road races. I love running off road but I’m no good at it. I enjoy trail running socially – I just don’t want to try for a time if it’s all up and down over the hills.

What’s a typical running week for you?

I’ve always tried to get along to the Tuesday and Thursday night training sessions – I love them. Unfortunately I’m injured (again!) Before my injury I would run 10k most evenings.

I would do parkrun sometimes but usually Saturday is my rest day. Sunday I would generally run 10 miles; usually on my own. Before my injury I was maybe doing 50 – 60 miles a week which is probably too much at my age!

I’ve got a Turbo linked to Zwift now, so I’m trying to do more on that now.

What’s in the diary?

I haven’t got much in the diary. Clare and I will be going to Pembrokeshire for the Trail Half Marathon in April. The only other thing is The Running Monk Bishop’s Castle 10k in June which I was lucky enough to win a club place for.

What’s your Most Memorable Run?

It has to be The Great North Run. It was a race I didn’t want to do because it was so far to travel but Thea was running it and wanted company. It blew my mind, it was amazing – there were over 50,000 runners. I’ve never seen so many queues!

I got lucky at the start and ended up just behind the Elite Runners. I got to the 10 mile point in a PB time – then a mile further on my legs just gave way. I had gone off too fast.

By mile 12 I was walking. Then a little girl offered me an ice cream which I gratefully accepted. I sat down at the side of the road with her to enjoy it. It was fantastic! I eventually finished in around 1:55. Not my best half but not to bad given how the last couple of miles had gone!

Any injuries you’ve struggled with?

I’m struggling with Metatarsalgia at the moment which is a pain in the ball of the foot. It’s like running with a stone in your shoe. Bloody Hell does it hurt. It’s easing up now so I think I’m getting to the end finally.

On top of that I’ve had Achilles, plantar and calf problems along with Piriformis syndrome. To be honest I’m running injured most of the time! I’m really hoping to get back to running properly in a month or so.

Despite those warnings when I was 8 years old I’ve never had problems with my knees!

What do you most love about running?

To me it’s all about what’s going on in my mind. I can go for a run and solve a problem in an hour that I could struggle over for ages. You obviously train to run but I run to free my mind. I’m happy to try going as fast as I can on the road but anything else it’s just a love of the feeling it gives – whether I’m running on my own or with the club.

What do you do for a living?

I’m an auto electrician at Watson’s Garage in Leominster. 

Who do you live with?

With Clare, Bronny and Thea in Dilwyn. We’ve been here 16 years. We moved from Leominster because we needed more space for the horses and everything.

Have you any pets?

We’ve got Fin The Border Collie and the horses which I know very little about. I do know their names I think – Jack, Victor and Sunny. We’ve also got chickens that Bron looks after. I don’t tend to get involved in the animal side of things.

Have you any book, film or TV recommendations?

I have a theory that all the best books are made into films – so you may as well as well wait until the film comes out!

I was a bit annoyed when they said that they were making a sequel to Top Gun – how could you follow that? I thought it was brilliant though – definitely the best film of last year.

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