There will be a first aid course on Saturday 21 st October 2023. Details to follow.
The club is still considering whether or not to purchase its own defibrillator.
All Croft coaches now have their own first aid kits which, along with risk assessments, will be brought along to all training sessions.
Membership is going really well. As it stands we have 96 adults, 3 second claims and 6 juniors.
We have a good stock of tops for the juniors. They will be able to borrow tops for races and then return back to stock.
Reminder for members to submit race reports to Bron, Sam or Huw in order that they are put on the website.
With regard to social media Tim thanked Bron for all the hard work that she does ensuring that we have good coverage socially.
It was proposed that we should hold an open evening for potential new members to come along and see what we are all about.
Huw asked whether or not the pictures that we put on the website and Facebook show a true representation of our training sessions? A long discussion followed on the inclusivity of our club and how we like to involve everyone. Huw also questioned whether we should have one session which is harder and one that is easier. It was agreed that having an overview of the training structure would be beneficial. This would help prevent similar sessions being repeated in a week.
Tim has prepared some interim results of the Club Championship. Consideration needs to be given to what Trophies might be awarded for the Championship.
Details of the final payment for the Training Camp will be sent out shortly. The camp is full with 26 people.
Preparations are under way for the Shobdon Wood Race next year. It is hoped that Croft will hold their usual race at Croft Castle as part of the Winter League. Provisional dates for the Winter Cross Country League were discussed, the first one is the 15th October @ Builth, then 12th November at Croft and 3rd December Bearwood.
It is hoped that the club will put on a Christmas Social Event this year – more to follow soon.
The results of the questionnaires were discussed.
Mark Thomas has offered to do strength and conditioning classes towards the end of October for a 6 to 8 week course. More details to follow.