A rather smaller turnout all round (though still 45 ladies), and Croft men were particularly down in numbers. Sue Davies had a great run, finishing 2nd behind Susan Marr and nearly a minute ahead of Alison. Liza (38.05) just pipped Rachel (38.19); Karen finished in 43.47. Stacey ran his first league race of the season, finishing just behind Tim Clarke, 3rd in 38.41. There was then a long wait for the next Croft runner – Gavin (31st) coming home in 45.30, ahead of Dave G (45.41). Martin completed the A team, 43rd in 48.27. Guy was next (49.11) with Tom close behind (49.36). Frank (50.21), Daren (50.24) and Neil (50.55) packed closely. It was a flatter course than usual, some parts fast-ish others heavy with mud and a final steep finish which tested the older runners amongst us! The men’s team is 4th =, and desperately in need of a strong team for the last race to bring us up to 3rd. The ladies’ team is also 4th, just behind the Hereford Tri Club.