Running and Life – Mark Lamonby

running and life

Age: 34

How did you first get into running?

I used to run track for the school when I went to Hereford. I had a trial for England when I was about 12. I was skinny and small, but the coach encouraged me to concentrate on the 800 and 1500 metres. When I was 13 or 14 I managed to get a time of something like 2:25 for the 800 and 5.30 for the 1500.

When I became self-employed I decided that I didn’t want to run the risk of getting injured and not being able to work, so I gave up football and started doing a bit of running. That was about 8 or 9 years ago. Darren Lincoln saw me in the pub and he persuaded me to join Croft. Sometime later Simon Norwood persuaded me to give Triathlons a go.

What’s a typical running week for you?

I try and swim 3 or 4 times a week at Leominster pool. I’m lucky because they give me sponsorship. I’m usually in the pool at around 7.30 in the morning. Then I’ll get out on the bike 5 times a week. I’ll do short, sharp rides and then longer slower ones on the weekend. I usually ride around 150 miles a week although I’ll push it up a bit when the weather improves and the Tri Season starts. Then I’ll run 3 or 4 times a week – probably around 30 – 40 miles in total; a mix of road and trail plus a bit on the treadmill.

What’s in the diary?

Lanzarote – March – Half Ironman.  1.2m sea swim, 56m bike, Half Marathon. It will show how ready I am for the season.

Lanzarote – May – Full Iron Man. I’m hoping to qualify for the World Championships which, for the men, are likely to be in Niece in September.

Staffordshire Half Ironman – June. I haven’t entered yet but I’m tempted.

Bolton – July. Full Ironman (If I don’t get into the World’s)

I’m also hoping to run the rest of the club Winter XC plus the Summer XC and time trials.

What’s your Most Memorable Run?

I would have to say Minorca in October 2021. It was a full Ironman and I put everything I had into it.  I came off the bike in 8th which I was a bit annoyed about but then managed to work up through the field in the marathon. I just had to gamble; it was all or nothing. At halfway I was in the top 3. Then, at around mile 20, the gamble started not to pay off. It hurt so much. I managed to hang on and finished in 4th place. It was such a tight race with only 2 minutes between 1st and 9th.

I experienced so many emotions in that race. Ups and downs; sheer exhaustion. The pain was immense, but it was worth it as it was a qualifying race and 4th place gave me the qualification I wanted.

Any injuries you’ve struggled with?

Touch wood I’m pretty lucky. I get aches and pains but generally I’m ok.  I try to relax and get good sleep. I think that really helps.

What do you most love about running?

I love the mental side. I’m one of those people that needs an escape from all the digital media. You can’t think about anything else when you’re out running or cycling. I love those 4 or 5-hour rides in the summer with a stop at a café in the middle. Nine times out of ten I’m on my own but I also ride out with the Ludlow Tri group on a Sunday which is great.

What do you do for a living?

I’m a Flooring Contractor. I work for myself. Gareth Leek is going to join me soon which is great. My partner, Leanne helps with the paperwork. Leading up to Christmas it was manic with everyone wanting to have new flooring laid. Now it’s all insurance claim work because people have spilt wine over their carpet!

Who do you live with?

With my partner Leanne. My boys come and stay on the weekend. Ruben is 11, Kian’s  8 and Kylo’s 4. Hopefully they’re the future Croft ‘A’ team!

Have you any pets?

Two dogs – Otis and Odin – they’re Labs. I run with them over at Mortimor Forest. They love it. They’re brothers although one is yellow and one’s red. They’re 18 months old now.

Have you any book, film or TV recommendations?

I’m not really a book person. ‘Iron Man Now’ which is streamed on YouTube and Facebook is brilliant. It’s great for anyone who doesn’t know what Triathlon or Ironman is or just wants to understand more about it. I saw the new Avatar at the cinema the other day – that was pretty impressive.

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