I have been trying to persuade my friend Frances, who runs a bit, to join the running club and run a 10k. She thinks that we are all super-fit athletes and wont come along to training but she did enter the St Michaels 10k. Because I have been nagging her, she has been nagging me to do a half marathon, so I decided to give it a go and filled in my application quite late last week.
I have always been wary of running a half marathon. It may seem strange to all you ultra distance runners but 13 miles has always seemed too far for me to run (a few years ago walking that distance would have wiped me out for a week). So I was a little worried in the days leading up to Sunday.
Mike and Tom had both advised me not to start off too fast, especially as the first 3 miles are the most uphill of the route. I took this on board and kept a steady pace and found my rhythm and stuck quite nicely to a 9 minute mile pace throughout the run. I had a comfortable and enjoyable run and was really pleased to come in the end in less than 2 hours which was my aim. My final time was 1.56.58. (413 out of 657)
The route was not as hilly as I had thought it was going to be. It was cold at the start and I think I made a mistake running in a long sleeved top, but will be better prepared next time. There was fantastic support from the marshalls and spectators throughout the run. Unfortunately I did get stitch for the last couple of miles – I usually don’t have a drink until after races but thought this was too far to go without. Previously I have only got stitch when drinking while racing, I could do with some advice – better to have water and get stitch or leave the water until after the race?
As I had a lift with Frances and she had already been waiting for me to finish and it was cold, we didn’t hang around at the end and so I don’t know how my fellow Crofties did. So please someone else do a report.
Stacey finished in a fabulous 1.19.14 finishing in 3rd place overall and first for his age.

Mark Lamonby was not far behind in 9th place, 1.21.27. Dave Amighino in 1.28.25, 40th, Neil Taylor 1.39.28 (138) . Sue Powell in 1.44.58 (211).
As I didn’t see anyone from the club it is hard for me to comment on the 10k. Please could someone who took part do a write up.
I have been able to get some results:
Paul Price 42.30 (18) Liza Austin 53.27 (80). Apologies if there were more Croft Runners.
My friend Frances ran her 10k in 1.04.23 which she was really pleased with but I still couldn’t persuade her to join the club. I will keep on trying.
Please see Mikes photos on the Gallery Page. Thanks for the support Mike and also Matt and Jo Moffatt who shouted much needed encouragement along the way.
Well done Sam, no doubt there will be many more half marathons to come. I think we ought to mention the excellent performances of several more mature Croft Ambrey runners. Special praise to Sue Powell, second female vet 50, who followed up a 1.45 PB at Worcester with new 1.44 PB at Hereford just one week later, probably in tougher conditions. Ian Price was first MV65 in 1.41 and I by a never-to-be -repeated fluke was first MV55 in 1.39. With great performances at the top end we have strength in depth.