After 4 years in the post, Dave Ameghino has stepped down, and we now have Sam Harper as new chairman (person?). All other officers remain. Kelly has taken over the ladies’ captaincy from Sam, and she and Michael Williams join the committee.
It was agreed to keep subs at last year’s rate, viz: £25 for seniors, and £20 for juniors. They are now due, so please give your payment to any of the coaches at training (preferably in an envelope with your name on it), or Bryan, or pay via the website. It would be appreciated if you would do this now, rather than making Sue have to chase you later on.
Summer evening training for seniors begins on Bircher Common (meet at Croft Castle 6.45 if possible) from Tuesday April 2nd.
Mark is keen to organise junior cross country next autumn in the Shropshire Young Athletes League, if there is sufficient interest.
Don’t forget: Shobdon Wood race in 8 weeks’ time.