Flora’s report from Facebook
9.55 miles and 3159 total ascent on my watch.
It’s a great race, well organised. It’s quite tough for me and Gary especially going up to the summit and it’s very hot that day. Coming down was not so bad but we just have to be very careful where we land our feet because of the stones. I’ve seen one male runner fall coming down and he had a big cut on his knee, luckily they had somebody that will assist you when you’re injured. We’re very exhausted when we finished the race.
Overall I did really enjoyed it, not sure about Gary. This must be one of the great and popular race, because I was talking to one of the male runner and he told me he did it 45 times. And this is quite good excuse to go and see another place and enjoy the scenery plus I’m not doing the driving .
And here’s our results Gary 2:36:25 he came second out of 6 in 70s age category.
My time is 2:13:34 I came 6 place out of 11 in 55 age category.
By the way well done to Gary Pearson, it’s good to see him back in running . He finished in 2.07.23
Note: I would like to say a big thank you to Tom Davies who entered me and Gary. It’s quite difficult to enter this race,you have to enter once the online entry opens which is start at midnight. Thanks Tom .